From a yawn, to a stretch, or the beating of your child’s heart, expectant parents can now see and bond with their unborn child within a 4-D sonogram. The thrilling experience of seeing your baby’s face for the first time will truly touch your heart and soul. With our exciting new 4-D ultrasound technology, you can actually see what your baby is going to look like before he or she is born!
In the past, expectant parents weren’t able to see their baby’s face until he or she was born. Moms and dads could only see black and white images of their unborn child through a traditional 2-D ultrasound. With our new 4-D ultrasound imaging, we can let you see what your child looks like while they are still growing in the womb. Expectant parents who wish to view their unborn child will receive a CD of three-dimensional ultrasound images. By performing the ultrasound in 4-D color technology, the bonding experience that you will share will be an incredible one that you will carry with you for a lifetime!
Please call the doctor’s office at 972-256-3700 to schedule an appointment. We recommend scheduling within 28-32 weeks of pregnancy.