5 Prenatal Yoga Poses To Stop Pregnancy Aches and Pains

Here are things you can do to reduce your discomfort.

Growing a human being inside your body is not always the most pleasant experience. A growing baby, wiggling around inside your abdomen combined with the hormonal effects on muscles, ligaments, and tendons, makes pregnancy uncomfortable for many women.

Prenatal yoga improves fitness, strengthens muscles, and increases flexibility to alleviate the discomforts of pregnancy. Prenatal yoga improves some of the pregnancy pains and also relaxes the mind.

Why do pregnant women have aches and pains?

Can yoga relieve growing pains?

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2. Goddess pose. While standing, take wide steps with both feet pointing to opposite corners of the room. Keeping your arms and back straight, dip the pelvis deep. This pose opens the hips and strengthens the lower legs. Focus on slow, deep, relaxing breaths.

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3. Cat-cow stretch. Start on all fours, in the tabletop position. To perform the cow stretch, drop your belly down and lift your head up with your chin forward. Inhale and round out your back. Bring your chin to your chest to execute the cat stretch. The cat-cow stretch is a great exercise to alleviate tension in the spine. These movements are done slowly and mindfully with focused attention on slow, deep breaths.

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4. Gentle seated side bends. Sit on the floor or yoga mat. Keep the back straight and bend gently from one side to the other. Hold each stretch through a deep inhale and exhale. Side bends relieve tension in the lower back, hips, neck, and shoulders.

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5. Tree pose. Stand on one leg. Prop the other foot propped against the standing leg at the ankle or if you are able, below the knee. Tree pose strengthens the muscle in the feet, calf, and leg. It also requires concentration on balance and body awareness.

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Before practicing yoga during pregnancy:

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Pregnancy is an amazing journey, but it is not always easy. Aches and pains may be part of a natural part of the process, but yoga is one way to improve the prenatal experience. Try out this ideal fitness tool to improve physical and mental fitness during pregnancy.

Thank you to BeingWell for publishing this article on Medium.

Blog Author: Dr. Jeff Livingston 

Main Blog Photo By: Janulla IStock by Getty