The following list is a general timeline of different imaging and blood tests that will be done during your pregnancy. This timeline is a guide, and each doctor may vary slightly in the timing or type of testing. If you have risk factors during your pregnancy such as hypertension, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, etc, your testing may differ slightly from the list below.
- 4-7 weeks: Ultrasound to determine viability and check for fetal heart tones. Usually, you will also have pap smear, gonorrhea and chlamydia screening, and urinalysis
- 12 weeks: Nuchal Translucency Sonogram and Blood Work which entails:
- Blood type
- CBC – Complete Blood Count
- Creatinine – Measure of kidney function
- Fasting Glucose – to screen for possible diabetes
- Syphilis
- Hepatitis B/C
- Screening for immunity to Rubella
- Genetic Screening – There are many different types of genetic tests that can be done which your doctor will go over with you. Typically the most basic ones will screen for increased risk of Down Syndrome, Neural Tube Defects, and Trisomy 18.
- 16 weeks: May do a second genetic screening test depending on what type was initially ordered
- 20 weeks: Anatomy sonogram including gender
- 24-28 weeks: Gestational Diabetes Screening with 1 hour glucose tolerance test and recheck CBC to check for anemia.
- 27-36 weeks: Tdap vaccination recommended during this time
- 28-34 weeks: Growth sonogram to evaluate fetal growth, fetal position, amniotic fluid, etc.
- 35-36 weeks: Group B strep testing + repeat HIV and syphilis testing
- 37-40 weeks: Cervical exams to check for dilation
- 40+ weeks: If you go past your due date, your doctor will likely want to check a BPP sonogram (biophysical profile) to ensure your baby is moving appropriately and your amniotic fluid levels are normal