5 Breast Cancer Myths

The internet is a fantastic thing — Endless information at our disposal  within seconds. While the internet has made it easy for women to find information on topics such as breast cancer, it also is ripe with bogus information. Myths about breast cancer are often circulated online and through social media. Here are five common breast cancer myths:
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Doctor Treats His Own Soccer Injury Using Google and Here’s What Happened

Recognizing My Own Limitations

There are certain situations in my life where I feel really stupid

One is when CNBC’s Squawk Box senior economics reporter Steve Liesman discusses the bond market. While I recognize the words he uses as English grammar, I find almost every word to be incomprehensible gibberish. Read more

Checking for Virginity is an Outdated and Unnecessary Practice

A prominent rapper came out earlier this month discussing how he takes his teenage daughter to the OBGYN office yearly to make sure her hymen is still intact to ensure her virginity. Read more

How To Talk To A Teenager

Use Opportunities in their Context.

Typical conversations with a teenager

“How was your day?”

Riveting conversation for sure. We all want our children to be successful. Things would be so much easier if during the teen years we just did not have to talk to them.

Effective Communication

Our goal is to raise children who are ready to leave our house and survive in the world on their own. How do we do this? One key aspect is effective communication.

Discussions about sex

Parent-Child discussions about sex often break down because adults fail to accept one key concept. When our kids are young we tell them what our family believes. We explain what is right and what is wrong. As children age, they incorporate everything they learned from us and develop their own belief system. Their belief system is what guides their decisions. OUR opinions matter but THEIR opinion matters more. Here is the key concept:

The thoughts in THEIR heads guide their decisions.

Opportunities for meaningful Parent-Teen dialogue pop up every day. You want to be ready when one arises. Imagine you are listening to a song or watching a movie. Something you find inappropriate comes up. Don’t tell your teen how awful the lyrics are. Don’t judge. Engage instead. Ask you teen what the song means. Ask what they like about it. Ask them to tell you what the TV show is about. If they answer, ask another question.


Blog Author: Dr. Jeff Livingston

Parenting Teenagers, Part 4

Watch the Red Flags

No question about it parenting teenagers is a tough job. This is a crucial time to make a huge impact on their lives. During adolescence, there is a natural tension between parent and child. The teen is trying to separate themselves from the parents and establish their own independence. While at the same time they want you to do their laundry. There are some specific things to watch for to make sure your teen is on the right track. These are the red flags
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Parenting Teens, Part 3

Create an Environment of Openness

So this is my little boy —doctor in training —equipped with mom’s purse and dad’s stethoscope. Just before sixth grade I overheard heard him and his friends talking about something that seemed a little bit sexual. Read more

Find Your Mission

Saying No to Burnout

Have you noticed that your Facebook feed is full of ads asking you if you are tired or feeling burned out? Have you noticed that each company asking these questions then promotes a solution? This constantly negativity can affect the way we feel about our jobs and our lives. I recently appeared on this podcast for Greenway Health discussing physician burnout.  The ideas we discussed apply to everyone regardless of your job or life situation.  Take a few minutes and enjoy this episode.

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7 Ways to Fall Asleep Faster



A ruffled mind makes a restless pillow.

~ Charlotte Brontë ~

My wife is one of those lucky people who falls asleep before her head hits the pillow. I am not so lucky. When I lie down my mind begins to race at Quantum speeds processing a million random thoughts. My parents tell the story of waking up in the middle of the night finding the three year old me playing my Mr Roger’s records while singing “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.” 40+ years later. It still happens…well without the Mr. Roger’s records.

Sometimes insomnia comes in handy for an Obgyn since babies do not seem to follow the Monday through Friday 9 to 5 schedule. I hear from patients every day that they also suffer from insomnia. Over the years I have found a few things that help. I wanted to find tools that avoid addictive medication. Here is my TOP Seven List of all natural ways to treat insomnia.

    1. Cut Screen Time
      Electronics stimulate the mind. Turn the phone off. Instagram and Facebook will still be there tomorrow.
    2. Mindfulness
      I was a skeptic about meditation and now my nine year old daughter Lucia and I do a brief mindfulness exercise together every night. We use an app called Headspace. Insight Timer is great too.Meditation has many health benefits and helps calm the mind. Leave your skepticism at the door and give it a try. Commit to doing it daily for two weeks before you give up. That was my plan, and I am still doing it daily a year and half later. This is an awesome way to help get the kids to sleep after reading a bedtime story. You spend time with your children, you both get health benefits and you both develop habits that can last a lifetime.

    1. Bulletproof Sleep Induction Mat
      This is my favorite product. It looks like a bed of nails. Ok it is a bed of nails. The mat stimulates acupressure points in the back to trigger relaxation, release endorphins and increase blood circulation. It feels great and “hurts” just enough to stop the mind from racing.

    1. Bulletproof Sleep Mode Supplement
      Most over the counter supplements contain too high a dose of Melatonin. Over time they can deplete your body’s ability to produce its own. This is a combination product of bio identical Melatonin, L-Ornithine and Brain Octane oil designed to put the brain into sleep mode. I recommend taking this with an over the counter Magnesium supplement.

    1. Daily Exercise
      Get your steps in. We all make a million excuses why we can not exercise. The truth is we all need to commit to this key health habit. Start with something simple like walking around the block. Do it everyday. Set an easily achievable goal that you can stick with over a long period of time. As exercise gets easier you can increase your goal. The key step is to set the bar low enough that your excuses to NOT exercise just seem silly. I remember telling myself one time “I can’t exercise today because I would have to change my shoes.” #badexcuse

    1. Dodow
      Dodow is a LED light metronome that helps you relax. A glowing, pulsating blue light is projected on the ceiling. You coordinate your breathing to the dynamic light changes. I find it extremely calming and peaceful.

    1. Read a book
      Fill your time before sleeping with a book. Reading books expands your mind and opens you up to new ways of thinking. Reading even a few minutes a day can help calm your mind and prepare it for sleep. If you read for just 10 minutes a day you can complete on average 10 books a year. Reading can be life changing. Here are a few of most recent favorites:

Get inspired with The Seed by Jon Gordon

Get Motivated with The Miracle Equation by Hal Elrod

Got Focused with The One Thing by Gary Keller

Get life started with The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

The links above are tied to Amazon. Proceeds generated are donated to the Irving ISD Teen Parenting program, a drop out prevention program for students who are pregnant or parenting

Thank you to Live Your Life on Purpose for publishing this a article on Medium.

Control de la natalidad y contracepcion

¿Ya no desea más hijos? ¿Está completa su familia? ¿Está cansado de lidiar con el control de la natalidad? ¿Sabía que hay una opción permanente donde usted puede tomar el control y no preocuparse por volver a quedar embarazada?


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Birth Control Options

A great video of Dr. Livingston covering lots of different birth control options.