Doctors Sound the Alarm on Covid-19 Cases. Is Anyone Listening?

We are running out of beds, and it is time to step up.

The United States now has 12 million confirmed Covid-19 cases. On Thursday, we had a record-setting day of 187,000 new cases of the coronavirus. Over 250,000 Americans have lost their lives, and 100,000 more deaths are expected before President-elect Joe Biden takes office.

We’re approaching the holidays in the middle of a pandemic, and flu season is right around the corner. We must take note of the doctors and scientists sounding the alarms.


Image: DHHS via

Each patient who presents to an ER, urgent care center, or physician’s office exposes other patients and, importantly, medical providers to the infection. Over 1,700 health care workers have tragically lost their lives to Covid-19. Health care infections limit the number of available providers to treat others. If doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff are sick, who will care for the patients?

Remember, the hospital capacity problem is not only about caring for Covid-19. People will still have heart attacks, strokes, appendicitis, gallstones, and other medical ailments. If the hospitals are full, there is no way to care for these patients. In my OB-GYN specialty, the coronavirus does not stop pregnancy. Pandemic or not, babies are being born — and each new birth represents hope for humanity. Pandemic or not, babies are being born — and each new birth represents hope for humanity.

The Covid vaccine will not help us this winter

The leading vaccine candidates require two doses one month apart with a three-week window to develop immunity inducing antibodies. This necessary dosing protocol extends the timeline from receipt of the vaccine until one can reliably count on immunity.

Lets put politics aside and care for each other

What can I do at home if I get sick?

1.Stay home except to get medical care.

Thank you Medium Coronavirus Blog for publishing this article on Medium.

Blog Author: Dr. Jeff Livingston 

Main Blog Photo By:  ielanum Istock/Getty