Entries by MacArthur Medical Center

Football and Pedicures

I am a typical guy. I grew up playing football, baseball, and soccer. I used to change from one uniform into another while my Mom drove me from one sporting event to another. I grew up watching all sporting events. All I wanted to know was which team belonged to the city closer to us […]

Health 2.0: Can you have a doctor visit on Facebook?

The world of online health communities is morphing and evolving even as we sit here at our keyboards and google “flu symptoms” then tweet that we’ve got a cold. So what IS emerging from the cutting edge of online health communities? How do they differ and what do they have in common? The Health 2.0 […]

Some Doctors Join Facebook, Twitter; Others Wary

Go into any obstetrician/gynecologist’s office and you’re likely to see a large bulletin board covered with snapshots of babies. But the docs at one Irving, Texas, OB/GYN practice have taken that ubiquitous display of cute kids into the 21st century. Their patients can post photos on the MacArthur OB/GYN Facebook page, where the doctors post […]

Surprise. It’s a…

Are you having a boy or girl? This is one of the standard questions people ask a pregnant lady. Everyone asks. It has become a kind of conversation starter. It’s not that the stranger in the grocery store really cares, but it just seems like natural thing to say. It’s part of the standard questions […]

Getting Social with Your Doctor 24/7

At seven months pregnant, Kristen Ballard is one of the nearly 19,000 patients at the MacArthur OB/GYN clinic in Irving. “When I was pregnant with my daughter, they said I needed to see a specialist and they recommended him [Dr. Jeff Livingston] and I”ve been with him ever since,” said Ballard. But, despite the size of the practice, Ballard said she doesn’t […]

How Secure Messaging Helps this Doctor

I commented on a blog post recently that cited a recent study called “Secure web messaging between patients and doctors: Not well received.” I was pleased to see that other professionals who left comments had the same reaction I did to the study: it is  simply not accurate. I have 4,900 patients and five other physicians in […]

Summer in Texas

How are you staying cool this summer? I think I missed spring this year. It seems that the temperatures were cool then all of a sudden we are experiencing temperatures greater than 100 degrees! We had the misfortune of one of our trees splitting and losing a large branch. We spent 2 weekends out in […]

Patients Speed-Dating for Doctors

Texas Health Harris Methodist is putting potential patients in a room full of doctors giving them a chance to build a relationship with someone who could be their new doctor and answer questions they may have “rather than picking their name out of a book” and actually get to know them. Dr. Sakovich is interviewed […]

The Doctor Will Tweet You Now

When Janel Wood’s 9-year-old son recently began experiencing migraines, the working mother decided to try a new company health care program that allowed her to communicate with a doctor through videoconferencing, voice over IP, and instant messaging. While her son was home for lunch, Wood logged onto a portal offered by medical plan Online Care […]

Best Facebook Medical Practice Fan Pages in America

At first discussion, many of the medical professionals I speak with don’t see the value in having a Facebook fan page.  In order to explain the benefits of these pages to physicians and practice managers I often use examples of existing pages from other practices.  Therefore, I went on a quest to find the absolute […]