There aren’t enough words to describe the kind of person Dr. Wagner is. He truly cares about his patients. I have been seeing him for 3 years now. Had a healthy baby boy under his care. I also had to have surgery 10 months postpartum and I was devastated and scared, but Dr. Wagner somehow helped ease my mind. In pre-op he came by to talk to me and said “whatcha reading”. I hope he knows that something small like asking what book I was reading made my whole day and meant so much. To me, it showed that he is a doctor that truly truly cares about every single patient that walks into his office. He’s not here to take your money or get you in and out to just see the next patient faster… He will sit there as long as you need and make sure every question is answered and you feel at ease. I’ve seen numerous providers in the past that treated me like a number, just another patient. Not Dr. Wagner. I’ve moved an hour away from his office before, and still drove to every single appointment to see him while pregnant. If you’re feeling unsure about finding an OB that cares, I hope you read this comment and choose to see him. I’m not a yelp girl or a review girl, but a good physician deserves to be recognized every single time. Only flaw of his, he’s an OU fan haha. Yuck.