How to Make a New Year’s Resolution That Works

We fail because we focus on the wrong things.

Do you know why most of us fail in our New Year’s Resolutions? We focus on the things we should change and ignore the areas we are genuinely passionate about improving.

All of us have areas in our lives we want to improve. Until we decide where we want to commit our energy, nothing will change.

Resolutions fail. Plans work.

Decide what matters to you. Determine what success looks like to you. If you do now know, then achieving the goal is all but impossible.

Create a plan. Measure success.

Making a New Year’s resolution will not trigger change. Create a plan and have the grit to stick to it.

Thank you to ILLUMINATION for publishing this article on Medium.

Blog Author: Dr. Jeff Livingston 

Main Blog Photo By: Dilok Klaisataporn istock by Getty