Listeners On-Call Tackles Loneliness Through the Art of Listening

Sometimes we all need to talk to someone.

Listener menu from Listeners on Call Apple App store CC

During the study, Listeners on Call evaluated a caller’s disposition before and after a call with a trained listener. The Morphii system then quantified the caller’s pre and post-call emotional state.

Callers use Morphii to express their disposition Listeners on Call Morphii Research Image CC

  • Overall, Callers experienced a 115% improvement in disposition from the pre-to-post call.
  • Callers identifying isolation/loss as the reason for seeking Listeners reported an average improvement of 151%.
  • Callers seeking Listeners to cope with stress demonstrated a 184% improvement.
  • Lastly, Callers who did not designate a specific topic, but who simply needed to talk/vent averaged an 89% improvement from pre- to post-call.

Disposition/Intensity GraphsMorphii research for Listeners on Call Image CC

Blog Author: Dr. Jeff Livingston 

Main Blog Photo By: Biserka Stojanovic Istock/Getty Images